Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions (Sauber, P 2010). The two main vehicles for delivering OA research, are OA journals and OA repositories. There is a vast number of open access journals available through popular OA platforms like BiomedCentral, DOAJ (Directory of Open access journals) and Arxiv.
Authors can consult AOAJSA, which is a list of open access journals acknowledged by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training, which qualify for university subsidy.
Durban University of Technology has its own Institutional Repository (IR) consisting of theses, dissertations and research publications. The IR is hosted on an open source platform called DSpace. In terms of the DUT IR policy, it is mandatory for all theses, dissertations and research publications to be added to the IR.
(Sauber, P. (2010). Open Access Overview. Available: . Accessed 17 August 2011)